Buy children’s bicycle online

What should you pay attention to when buying a bicycle online?

It is important to test drive, but that sometimes fails. So then you better buy online.

1. The size.

How do you determine the size? With the saddle at the correct height, the child must be able to rest properly on the footballs. I recommend to use the inseam when measuring. This differs for children with the same height. How do you do that? See link below.


A bicycle that is too large is not pleasant to ride, they just leave it. Don’t buy on growth.

What should you pay attention to?

The most important thing is that a children’s bicycle is lightweight if your child wants to be able to cycle with it safely. Not up to 80% of the body weight, as with a Dutch steel bicycle, but about 30% of the child’s body weight. The child can more easily lift the bicycle up a sidewalk or pick up the bicycle. Stopping and dismounting, the most unsafe moment of cycling, is easier, because he has better control of the bike. Click here for lightweight bicycles.

Safe brakes.

The safest brakes are hand brakes. Children (with some exceptions) cannot interrupt a started movement quickly enough. click here for more about hand brakes.

The crank length:

Pay attention to the crank length. I see especially with mountain bikes (Kona and Merida) cranks of a bicycle for an adult. If the cranks are too long (17 cm), the knee should bend too much when the pedal is at the highest point. When you come up from the squats, the first part is the hardest on your legs and knees. If your knee does not have to bend as strongly due to shorter cranks, the effort is more effective. Most (all?) Bikes that I see on the street have, in my opinion, cranks that are too long. Cubes, Decathlon, Alpina and so on. The knee is above groin height on the bikes. Click here for more about crank length and why it matters. (knee load and muscle load).

The Q factor.

Important for the power transmission to the pedals. The pedals are far too far apart on most of the bikes I see on the street. The feet and legs cannot optimally transfer power, because the children are cycling with wide legs. (I saw that at Cube and Decathlon, among others). This affects the knees, hips and the muscles not functioning optimally. Click here for more about the Q factor. If the Q factor is as small as possible, the knees, hips and muscles are more stressed and can perform better. You can cycle faster.

The bicycle lighting.


Nowadays almost all bicycle lighting is equipped with strong LED lights. LED lights on the bike last a long time, because they use little energy. The batteries also last longer, or they need less use of the USB charger. The strong lights are good for seeing and being seen.

A good bicycle stand. (bicycle leg for the Flemish)

A side stand is sufficient for a children’s bicycle.

Prevent your bike from being stolen.

A single bicycle lock on your bicycle is often no longer sufficient. I recommend buying a second chain lock in addition to a standard ring lock. This reduces the risk of theft. When buying a bicycle lock, you should pay attention to the ART certification for the theft insurance. For a second bicycle lock you can choose from a chain lock, U-lock, folding lock or cable lock.


This good adjustment is what makes the ergonomics of our woombikes so child-friendly.

  • Adjust the saddle so that the child can rest on the ground with the footballs.
  • Adjust the handlebars so that the arms are slightly bent.
  • The brakes have to be set in such a way that they are in line with the arm, see the video above at 3.36 minutes.
  • And then the handles, which you have to adjust to the size of the child’s hand. That is 4.45 minutes from the above video.
  • The bike  is ready and cycling.

It is also important to check that there are no bolts protruding in prominent places, such as on the stem or cranks, as this is a common cause of injury in children.

What is the warranty for Stip Kinderfietsen?

You can claim under warranty if the defect is due to a material or construction defect. We choose, in consultation with the manufacturer / supplier, for repair or replacement of the defective part or item. Damage due to improper use is of course not covered by the warranty scheme.

If your purchase becomes defective within 30 days of receipt, you are eligible for the 30-day warranty scheme, where the item may be exchanged or the purchase canceled. The warranty period that Stip-Kinderfietsen offers you is in all cases at least 1 year. For some articles, the manufacturer offers a longer warranty period, which is then indicated with the relevant articles or in the documentation that you receive with your order. Obviously, if applicable, the longer warranty period of the manufacturer is maintained at all times. It is important that you always turn to us in the event of a defect or warranty on an item purchased from Stip-Kinderffiets. You can contact us via We would like to receive your e-mail with your order number, a detailed description of the problem and possibly some photos of the defect. After receiving your e-mail, your request will be processed immediately. You will receive a message from us within 3 days of receiving your email and, if necessary, we will send you our free return procedure.

Some general things that are worthwhile.

A trusted address.

In general, how do you know if the website is a trusted address?

Make sure it is clear who the website owner is.

  • Are the contact details clearly stated? Telephone number and address of physical store.
  • Is it clear who is responsible and the point of contact? A photo of who is responsible and who is the point of contact gives extra confidence. Tap here for contact.
  • Registration Chamber of Commerce VAT number
  • Privacy Policy.
  • customer reactions
  • Language usage
  • Click here for google’s transparency report In the search bar under “Check website status”, enter the URL of the website for which you want to check the reliability. Click on enter for an extensive report.
  • Is the company easy to reach by phone.
  • Is thorough information provided with knowledge of the facts?
  • Are you satisfied with the advice?
  • what are the warranty conditions.



The waiting times are longer than usual. And then the Corona measures came and everything changed. The website took a storm and my annual stock was completely sold out in April. In normal times, I just have everything in stock and everything you ordered yesterday I gave to the courier today and had it at home tomorrow. In April I worked from 7 a.m. to sometimes 11 p.m. on paperwork and preparing labels and all the phone calls, etc., until it ran out.

I couldn’t get stock again until July. For the next six months, I thought. In mid-June I opened the website and I fell under a tsunami of requests. When the bikes arrived in early July, they were all shipped on the same day. The stock for half a year. I want to avoid that pressure for myself, so you can now reserve the bikes that are coming soon. Then I don’t have to make preparations for sending at the last minute. For you as a customer it is also quieter, because you do not have to look any further. When I receive the bicycles, I will send them on the same day of arrival. The waiting time is longer than usual, sometimes longer than a month. You can read when the bicycle will arrive on the homepage. If it takes too long for you, I will immediately refund the money.

The service of my physical store falls short due to the corona measures.

I will be very happy with many when the lockdown measures are over and I can give the service of a store again. Test rides, children learn to ride a bike, fit and compare helmets, advise, assemble bicycles. I miss my children’s clients. What could be better in a children’s bicycle shop than the happy face of a child learning to ride a bicycle and shouting: Daddy let me go! 



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